David was a just a 15 year old kid just being who he was in the middle of nowhere.
Then SUDDENLY he is anointed king over Israel.
Sweet! Overnight success! Well…not exactly…David had to wait 15 years until he was actually made king.
Seven of those years he served the palace of the current king, who was insane, hated him, and tried repeatedly to kill him.The next eight weren’t any better, fighting battles and sleeping in caves.
But how David handled the waiting is what makes me respect him. He vented his emotions and sought God to deliver him from the harrowing and desperate situations he repeatedly found himself in. But he didn’t blame God or threaten to quit or beg to be returned to the safety of his former life. (I say this because I am guilty of blaming God and asking Him to just give me an easier life.)
David always ended his rants with, but I know You are a merciful and gracious God. I know that You are wiser than me, so I hope in You. I trust in You. So I will endure. I will wait on you.
And He did wait. 15 long and trying years. But after those long years of preparation and learning, David became king. And among his descendants was the One who would save the world.
So waiting sucks…believe me I know it does…but God keeps His Word. He honors His promises. He will do what He said He would do. And that promise isn’t just for you bet for those who come after you.
So hang on. Keep believing. Keep trusting Him.
Point to ponder while you wander…God’s timing isn’t always fast. But He always keeps His Word. So on that journey it is okay to vent and rant TO God about the circumstances along the way. But don’t forget to end your rant with the truth: He is faithful and wise. He is good and kind. He loves you.